Becoming a High-Value Masculine Husband and Father just got easier...

If you're tired of feeling frustrated, confused, and powerless in your life and in your relationships, then it's time to break the pattern. The Masculine Energy Audit, with trauma-informed Polarity Coach David Lea, will help you identify the source of what's causing cycles of friction in your marriage or partnership and how to solve the root of the problem, so you feel more confident leading your wife, your children, and your career with more purpose, strength, decisiveness, and devotion. 

Get Your Masculine Energy Audit Today

Nothing Changes in Your Relationship until You do... It's Time to Take Action.

Let's Get Started

How It Works:



Purchase the Masculine Energy Audit and Receive an email with a link to Take our Comprehensive Masculine Energy Assessment to determine your most prominent relationship struggles, fears, and more importantly discover opportunities to take different and decisive action toward a more purposeful life.



Select a Day and Time on David Lea's calendar to Schedule Your Complimentary Audit Results session to review your audit results together with him.



Meet directly with David Lea for your 1-on-1 Audit Results Session: a virtual zoom session with David to review your Asessment Results, get your Masculine Audit questions answered and to discuss your next action steps in your masculine healing journey.

Get Your Masculine Energy Audit


One payment

What You'll Get:

  • Access to a Comprehensive  Assessment to identify your relationship challenges through the lens of a trauma-informed masculine/feminine energy
  • Your Masculine Audit Results containing written feedback, direction, and support received directly from David Lea 
  • A 30-min 1-on-1 Audit Results Session with David Lea to get your Audit Result questions answered and to receive your action plan (via zoom)
Purchase My Audit

"David teaches us men what men need to be taught."

I've never done anything like this. I didn't know what to expect. Turns out, it far surpassed any expectations.

I have been working with David and I've changed so much about myself for the better.

David teaches us men what men need to be taught.

Men, the most beautiful gift you can give your woman is healing yourself and doing this work. I promise you that you will not regret a single moment.

Jason P.

Take the Masculine Assessment Today

About David Lea

David is the founder and CEO of Daring Deeply life coaching. David helps men and women find deep freedom, healing, and transformation from past emotional pain and trauma. Through a trauma-informed polarity lens, David leverages his 30+ years of expertise in relationships, wellness, and communication to bring empowered awareness and true emotional healing to his clients that break negative patterns to realize real life-changing and extraordinary relationships.

Together with his partner in life, love, and business, Paige Lea, they provide life-changing coaching support for men, women, and couples.