Feminine Energy 101

A 7 day introduction to understanding your feminine energy


I'm Ready For This!

Feminine Energy 101

A 7 day introduction to understanding your feminine energy
I'm Ready For This!

Shift Masculine Narratives

Reclaim Feminine Radiance

Release Fear + Build Trust

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If you've ever thought "Being in my Feminine Energy feels scary and impossible..."


I know how it feels to be you right now...
  • You have spent years running the show, whether at work or at home, and you feel exhausted.
  • You feel like you have to lead and manage everything, especially your relationships.
  • You work hard to provide for and ensure your family is protected. 
  • You feel stressed at the thought of releasing control and allowing someone else to step in.
  • You rarely ask for help because you'd rather just do it yourself.
  • You want to release yourself from obligations and responsibility but you don't know how.
  • You are proud of how hard you've worked, but deep down you know there is more to life than accomplishment
  • You miss being creative, flexible, relaxed, and connected to your body.
  • You crave feelings of safety, security, and trust in your relationship - you want to feel that they've got you.
Yes! That's me.

In The Next 7 Days You Could Be On Your Way To...


(like, actually healing) your current lens of femininity by releasing myths and narratives that have kept you stuck in modes of masculine survival.


feelings of stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and exhaustion by loosening your grip with control and restoring the energetic imbalance at the root of your behavior.


exactly how to nourish your feminine needs in a way that feels safe, trusting, open, and enlivening in your body.


your innate feminine wisdom to feel more empowered with yourself and your decisions than what doing it from your masculine energy could ever bring to you. 


full body peace, playfulness, and deep satisfaction, impacting the world around you and the people you love the most.

You Are Worthy Of This


Enroll Now

Yes, It Really Is Possible

It's time to release the stress and come home to the purest, most radiant form of you.

Omg, I need this!

Check out What These Women are Saying . . .


“My biggest takeaways were how controlling and masculine I am/operate in. How much I need to surrender & operate in my femininity - that it isn't weak or lowly!!!

How much happier/stress-free I am when I surrender. Also, being able to see through a new lens in situations where I seek to control & allowing myself to sit back & relax in those instead.”

– Dana W.

"I now actually feel relief when I consider the word 'Surrender.' Not resistance!

I also love what you said about 'the more you heal, the less you need to control'. That brings me great hope!"

- Katie C.

"I really enjoyed the deep dive into what Surrender is not. As a strong, powerful, independent woman and someone who has to rely on themselves for most of my life, it's hard to let go and I do not want to be "weak."

I appreciate the reminder that a powerful woman can still surrender, and if anything, it makes me more powerful because I'm able to step into my purpose and intention

 - Jennifer P.

I'm Ready to Enroll

What Women are saying . . .

“My biggest takeaways were how controlling and masculine I am/operate in. How much I need to surrender & operate in my femininity - that it isn't weak or lowly!!!

How much happier/stress-free I am when I surrender. Also, being able to see through a new lens in situations where I seek to control & allowing myself to sit back & relax in those instead.”

– Dana W.

"I really enjoyed the deep dive into what Surrender is not. As a strong, powerful, independent woman and someone who has to rely on themselves for most of my life, it's hard to let go and I do not want to be "weak." I appreciate the reminder that a powerful woman can still surrender, and if anything, it makes me more powerful because I'm able to step into my purpose and intention. 

 - Jennifer P.

"I now actually feel relief when I consider the word 'Surrender.' Not resistance!

I also love what you said about 'the more you heal, the less you need to control.' That brings me great hope!"

- Katie C.

Enroll Now

This 7-day Course Is For You If...

  •  You are ready to learn more about feminine energy and how to embody it in a way that feels authentic

  • You want to release the narrative that being feminine is 'weak' and rather, feel more confident in who you are at your core
  • You are ready to release control and feel trust, safety, and security with yourself and with your partner

  • You want to feel more relaxed with your responsibilities in your relationship, at home, and at work

  • You want to understand what lies beneath your masculine protective mechanisms and restore the root of the imbalance
  • You want to build trust with others and actually receive their help with ease
  • You want to feel more satisfied with your life beyond your long, amazing list of accomplishments
  • You want to connect to the creative, flexible, relaxed, and playful parts of you
  • You are ready to feel free
Yes, I Want In!

What's Inside Feminine Energy 101...

An Introduction to The 5 Pillars of Femininity

This 7-day mini course introduces you to the first pillar of Daring Deeply's "The 5 Pillars of Femininty": Surrender. This energetic is the foundation of femininity: Less doing, more being.

The feminine is most influential to others when she operates from her body, rather than her mind.

Redefining the word Surrender

Many women have an aversion to the word Surrender because her current lens interprets it as a weakness.

It's important to honor those narratives, and then begin to shed the layers that are driven by self-protection so that she may embody an elevated narrative grounded in self-connection. 

Releasing Masculine Mechanisms of Control 

The opposite of Surrender is Control. This protection mechanism is what's keeping you stuck in your masculine defenses.

Behind every behavior of control is the fear of an unmet need... not feeling seen, heard, understood, loved, protected... (just to name a few)

The Boss Babe culture is cancelled

The hustle and grind culture is out... Healing your feminine energy is in.

When you release the need for control, you create space for alignment with who you really are at your core.

The feminine must care for herself: heart, body, and spirit. Say goodbye to stress, anxiety, and exhaustion and hello to peace, trust, and release. 

Building Trust with Yourself + Your Partner

As you release control of things that are fueling stress and start surrendering to the needs and desires of your emotional body, you begin building trust with yourselfThis is how you communicate to the body that you are safe and worthy of being cared for. This awareness can then be articulated to the other people who matter to you the most. This is where healing begins.

The Feminine parts of You are Life Giving

Navigating the demands of life feels much more manageable when you are connected to your feminine energy. This part of you has felt unsafe to share with the world... until now.

These teachings empower you to feel at home in your new, evolved and deeply healing lens of femininity. You are allowed to feel creative, playful, and expressive while building the safety, trust, and the support required to reveal the real you.

Bonus Lesson! 

The Masculine Perspective with David Lea

David Lea's perspectives offer women a deep sense of peace, relief, healing and encouragement as she navigates the journey home to her body and her heart. 

What's Included

  • 7 days of Video Lessons with Paige Stuart
  • Journaling Prompts + Implementation Exercises
  • A 35-page printable workbook equipped with written lessons, space to journal, and visual aids to accompany your 7-day video journey
  • BONUS! Video Lesson on The Masculine Perspective with David Lea

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I'm Paige Stuart

I created this 7 day mini-course for one reason: I know how it feels to be you right now. I didn’t think it was possible for me, either.

I once believed that if I just worked harder in my career and in my relationship, that things would get better and I would feel the peace and satisfaction I sought. The truth is: The harder I worked, the more felt empty and exhausted on the inside. I spent years running the show and wearing the pants. I felt so tired of leading everything. But the thought of relinquishing control felt scary because who was going to step in and pick up the slack? I felt so proud of how hard I worked, but I also felt deep down there was more to life than my list of accomplishments. I had a hard time asking for (and, accepting) help, because if I did it myself I knew my needs would be taken care of. Life felt so hard and hollow. I missed being creative, and feeling relaxed, playful, and connected to my body... That's when I knew something had to change.

I had it all backwards. I didn't have to work "harder" after all... the answer was working softer and coming home to my body in a way that honored my deepest needs and desires.

Now, I’m in the most loving, healthy romantic partnership I could have ever imagined. I feel safe, and at home in my feminine body which feels deeply life giving. This is exactly how I want to help you feel. 

The simple answer to life: Heal.

I've created this mini-course to pave the way for you. This 7 day mini-course is designed for the woman ready to release control and surrender into the magic of her healing feminine energy, so that she can ease feelings of disconnection, control, complacency, fear, and exhaustionThis is for the woman who wants to build trustwith herself and with her partner. This is for the woman just like you. It is an honor to have you here!

Together with my partner in life, love, and business, David Lea, we provide life-changing coaching support for men and women through a trauma-informed polarity lens.

These Women are Thriving...

What's Included

  • 7 days of Video Lessons with Paige Stuart
  • Journaling Prompts + Implementation Exercises
  • A 35-page printable workbook equipped with written lessons, space to journal, and visual aids to accompany your 7-day video journey
  • BONUS! Video Lesson on The Masculine Perspective with David Lea

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Frequently Asked Questions